Sunday, March 11, 2007

Friends of Westwind member response

January 22, 2007

Ulli Sharma, President
Friends of Westwind Community Barn
27210 Altamont Road
Los Altos Hills, CA. 94022


Ms. Sharma:

I received your letter dated January 21, 2007. I have repeatedly attempted to resolve this matter in a civil and professional manner. You and other board of directors and the current barn manager continue to escalate and inflame the matter.

Clearly there are some personal issues that are beyond my control. However, I am quite shocked that you would now attempt to harm my horses. As you are aware Tex and Brice each receive 5 flakes and 6 flakes of hay per day respectively. Brice also receives 2 pounds of pellets in the morning and 2 pounds of pellets in the evening to maintain his weight.

To limit their rations to only two flakes of hay per day is inhumane and amounts to cruelty to animals. Additionally, denying them their daily turnouts will also cause undue stress.

I have followed all rules and regulations with regards to Westwind Barn policies and procedures. I have attempted to determine what the so-called evidence against me is. Despite my requests, you have failed to provide me this information.

I attempted to get this information at the hearing on January 19, 2007. Again, you denied me access to this information. You have violated my civil rights, you have denied me due process and now you have the audacity to deny me free speech. This conduct is outrageous.

At the hearing of January 19, 2007 you attempted to deny me my lawyer’s presence. You also denied me my fundamental right to confront my accuser and stated that Mr. Bisono would not be present.

Additionally, you stated that you decided during the meeting of January 19, 2007 at the Los Altos Hills Town Council Chambers (of which I have a video-tape) that you decided my membership would be terminated. We have video proof that you adjourned that meeting, therefore any “secret” meeting you had on Los Altos Hills Town Council property to determine my dismissal was unlawful. All meetings of the board of directors must be specially noticed and posted.

You have caused me undue hardship and severe emotional distress.

I once again request that you cease and desist. Any change in my horse’s routines will be reported to the SPCA and appropriate legal action will be taken.


Name withheld

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