Hi ----
I DEFINITELY agree that this MUST be a Hills 2000 Issue!!!
1) The district has been arguing that this area is not large enough to house both a local school and a BCS school. Then they consider bulldozing the upper fields to turn into an exclusive playing field for High School students. This is beginning to sound like more doublespeak! By using the blacktop area for the classrooms, there is plenty of open space for playgrounds for schools!
2) We have always addressed opening Bullis as a school for young children. It simply does not make sense to open a large playing field BEHIND this school site, for the exclusive use of older students and adults----for many reasons, including traffic (parking would be a nightmare), and for interruption of lower grade school activities.
3) The Los Altos Hills Council has already proposed that we will develop this land as an open sports area, not devoted to a single sport, but available to all persons in the town. This proposal would limit the number of hours, as well as the types of sports that can be played in this area.
4) Access to this area is through the grade school, but also through many off-road paths. I am very certain that our citizens would be vehemently opposed to having this use made of their easements. It is difficult enough to have the residents agree to open their properties to the citizens of the towns. We are DEFINITELY not interested in opening up these routes to not only a large number of players (most of whom are most likely not from this town), but also non-resident spectators. That certainly would happen once the Bullis parking lots are filled.
5) We have strict limits on the amount of grading that is suitable within this town. I am confident that the amount of grading being suggested far exceeds anything that is allowed within this type of topography. (The neighbors should be quite anxious about this!)
6) Not only should we notify the entire townspeople, but definitely the neighbors who will be directly affected by the traffic, noise and unpredicted use of this area should be involved. (Put Courteney Corrigan on this issue!)
7) I am appalled that the LASD is making decisions that are based only on their own myopic vision. Clearly, the needs, wishes and requirements of the LAH community are not only being ignored, they are being flaunted as unnecessary noise!
Anyway, you get my gist! I am avidly against anything like this moving forward!